More than a team

We remove the barriers to keep women engaged in soccer.
More than a team.
The Boston Dream Soccer Association
GOAL : The goal of the Boston Dream Soccer Association is to keep women engaged in soccer.
MISSION : The Mission of the Boston Dream Soccer Association is to foster leadership development for women and girls.
VISION : The Boston Dream Soccer Association is a nonprofit organization founded in 2020 to foster leadership development for women and girls. The Dream offers soccer players education and training in leadership, coaching and career development, and connects these women to opportunities and young players throughout New England via community-based initiatives.
Provide Education to propel women to coaching, officiating, and leadership roles
Foster Leadership and soccer to girls through training, clinics, partnerships, and events
Create a soccer Community that promotes the women players, coaches, clubs, charities, and businesses through membership, partnerships, and networking
Promote advanced Opportunity for women in Soccer, Education, and Leadership through a local team, connecting them to young players throughout New England.
The Membership: To have a variety of Membership levels for funds to operate the association.
The Board: The Membership shall select a Board. The Board’s primary purpose will be to have oversight of the operation of the Association.
Youth Organizations and Leagues: Youth Organizations and Leagues will provide a direct connection for Youth Programs to the Association. By no means shall the Boston Dream take over a youth club program, or vice versa. All must exist as their own entities, fostering the growth of the game for female soccer players in New England.
The Team: The organization should strive to field a team at the highest level possible within the annual membership budget to promote interest in Women’s Soccer. The Team may be the primary fundraising entity for the Association outside the Membership.
Partnerships: The Boston Dream Soccer Association shall strive to create positive, mutually beneficial relationships that will provide educational opportunities, foster leadership skills, create a supportive network, and enhance the experience for enjoyable events.

Justin Anderson
Zoe Antebi
Lauren Berman
Ric Beaudin
Jeb Booth
Abby Carchio
Kate Casey
Chris Chaperdine
Bethany Cove
Jessie Davis
Felicity Day
Dave DeConto
Lauren DeSouza
Nicole DiPentma
Kevin Dunbar
Tamie Endow
Rick Emanuel
Nancy Feldman
Alison Foley
James Foley
Caroline Foscato
Christine Geary
Dina Gentile
Ethan Goldman
Evren Gunduz
Jennifer Harding
Sue Hendee
Keith Herron
Shelby Hogan
Julianne Hubbard
Tiff Jones
Ben Kahrl
Ron Kern
Kristine Lilly
Sydney Lindstrom
Siobhan McDonough
Alex McKinney
Mary McNamee
Kia McNeil
Liz McQuilkin
Kristine McWilliams
John Morrison
Nathalie Nidetch
Ashley Phillips
John Power
Ryan Puntiri
Laura Ray
Matthew Roebuck
Jason Rojee
Greg Rowe
Richard Rowe
Ed Ryan
Autumn Scanlon
Adam Scott
Ben Starr
Carl Tarabelli
Greta Teller
Julia Weithofer
Cheryl Welsh
Michael White
Rachel Wood
Dee Woolley
Article 1. Name
Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the Boston Dream Soccer Association, Inc. or Boston DSA for the purposes of this document.
Article 2. Mission Statement, Values, and Objectives.
Section 1. The mission of the Boston DSA is to foster leadership development for women and girls.
Section 2. The Values of the Boston DSA are Leadership, Education, Community, and Opportunity.
Section 3. The objectives of the Boston DSA are as follows:
Objective 1: To provide Education to propel women to coaching, officiating, and leadership roles
Objective 2: To foster Leadership and soccer to girls through training, clinics, partnerships, and events
Objective 3: To create a soccer Community that promotes the women players, coaches, clubs, charities, and businesses through membership, partnerships, and networking
Objective 4: To Promote advanced Opportunity for women in Soccer, Education, and Leadership through a local team, connecting them to young players throughout New England
Article 3. Purpose of the Association Operating Guidelines
Section 1. The Purpose of the Operating Guidelines are to supplement the
Association By-Laws
Section 2. The Association Operating Guidelines shall no supersede the
Association By-Laws
Article 4. Membership
Section 1. Membership Levels
Supporter: This is the basic membership level
Sustainer: This is a higher level of membership with more privileges
Dreamer: This is the highest level of membership with key privileges
Membership Costs may be found in Appendix A.
Section 2. Membership Privileges
All Membership Levels get a vote at the Annual Meeting
Membership Privileges shall be designed by the Executive Board, and presented to membership by the Director and decided and approved by Membership at the Annual Meeting
Membership Privileges may be found in Appendix A.
Section 3. Membership Responsibilities
Members shall act in their official capacity to further the mission of the Boston DSA
Members who abuse their privilege may be removed by a 2/3rds vote of the Executive Board
Members whose conduct is detrimental to the Boston DSA may be removed by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board
Article 5. Structure
Section 1. An Executive Board shall be chosen by the Membership
Section 2. An Executive Director shall be chosen by the Executive Board
Section 3. An Advisory Board shall be selected by the Executive Director and approved by the Executive Board
Section 4. The size of the Executive Board shall be suggested by the Executive Board and approved by the Full Membership at the Annual Meeting
Section 5. The size of the Advisory Board shall be determined by the Executive Board
Article 6. Management
Section 1. The Executive Director of the Boston DSA shall be chosen by a 2/3rds vote of the Executive Board
Section 2. The Executive Director shall represent the Boston DSA in all official capacities
Section 3. In the absence of an Executive Director, the President of the Executive Board shall act as the Director
Section 4. The duties of the Executive Director and any other Management Positions shall be described in Appendix B.
Section 5. The Executive Director may expand the Management Team as approved by the Executive Board
Article 7. Advisory Board
Section 1. The role of the Advisory Board shall be to advise and support the Boston DSA
Section 2. The members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by a 2/3rd vote of the Executive Board
Article 8. Executive Board
Section 1. President
The President shall schedule and preside over monthly meetings of the Executive Board
The President shall call an Annual Meeting of the Membership in the months of January or February
The role of the President shall be to lead the Association towards all goals and objectives stated in the mission statement and vision of the Boston DSA
In absence of a President, one of the Vice-President’s shall preside over the meeting as chosen by the Vice-President of Education, the Vice-President of Community, the Vice-President of Opportunity, the Treasurer and the Secretary of the Boston DSA
Section 2. Vice President of Education
The Vice-President of Education shall serve as a member of the Executive Board, and serve as President as described Article 7, Section 1.d
The Vice-President of Education shall work to promote and support the Educational goals of the Boston DSA
Section 3. Vice President of Community
The Vice-President of Community shall serve as a member of the Executive Board, and serve as President as described Article 7, Section 1.d
The Vice-President of Community shall work to promote and support the Educational goals of the Boston DSA
Section 4. Vice President of Opportunity
The Vice-President of Opportunity shall serve as a member of the Executive Board, and serve as President as described Article 7, Section 1.d
The Vice-President of Opportunity shall work to promote and support the Opportunity goals of the Boston DSA
Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer will oversee the financials of the Boston DSA
The Treasurer shall allow full transparency of the organization’s budget at the Annual Meeting
Section 6. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep minutes for the Executive Board meetings and Annual Meetings
The Secretary shall release the minutes to the Membership in a timely manner
Section 7. Members at Large
The Members at Large shall serve on the Executive Board to help promote and support the goals and objectives of the Boston DSA
The Members at Large shall serve as a Nominating Committee for the President and Vice-Presidents
The Members at Large may be assigned duties for the organization by the Board President and with Executive Board approval
The Members at Large shall be nominated and selected by the Membership on an Annual basis at the Annual Meeting
Section 8. Qualifications and Limitations for the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be selected from the Membership
To be nominated to be a member of the Executive Board, one must be a Member in good standing for 2 (two) consecutive years, or a Founding Member of the Boston DSA (see Appendix C), or a current or former member of the Advisory Board
The Executive Board may not be made up of over 30% (thirty percent) of employees from one soccer entity, such as a club or youth association
Any Member removed from office by Article 4, Section 3, may not be part of the Executive Board
Section 9. Selecting Roles for the Executive Board
The President shall be selected from the current members of the Executive Board on a bi-annual basis to be approved of by Membership at the Annual Meeting
The Vice-President of Education, the Vice-President of Community, and the Vice-President of Opportunity shall be selected from the current members of the Executive Board and approved by the Membership at the Annual Meeting on an Annual basis
The Treasurer shall be selected from the Executive Board by the President and approved by the majority of the Executive board on a bi-annual basis at the First Executive Board meeting after the Annual Meeting
The Secretary shall be selected from the members of the Executive Board by the President and approved by the majority of the Executive Board on an Annual basis at the First Executive Board meeting after the Annual Meeting
Members of the Executive Board shall be called “Members-At-Large” unless given another role by the above selection process
Members at Large are nominated and chosen by the Membership at the Annual Meeting
Article 9. Special Committees
Special Committees shall be created by the Executive Board
The Executive Director may suggest Committees to the Executive Board for approval at an Executive Board meeting
The size of the Committee shall be decided by the President and approved by the Executive Board
Article 10. Participants
The mission of the Boston DSA is to foster leadership to women and girls, and the Participants should reflect that
The Participants shall be defined in Appendix E.
The Boston DSA benefits should be available to all Participants in the order of preference according to Appendix E.
Article 11. Sponsorships
Section 1. Sponsorship
The Boston DSA shall seek in-kind and financial sponsorship that helps drive the mission and objective of the Boston DSA
Section 2. In-Kind Sponsorships
In-Kind sponsorships shall be negotiated by the Executive Director with Executive Board approval
Section 3. Financial Sponsorships
Financial sponsorships shall be negotiated by the Executive Director with Executive Board approval
Article 12. Partnerships
Section 1. Educational Partnerships
The Boston DSA shall strive to make Educational Partnerships that support fostering leadership for women and girls
Educational Partnerships may reflect but are not limited to leadership, athletics, society, empowerment, and other programs the Executive Board deems appropriate
Section 2. Charitable Partnerships
The Boston DSA shall strive to make partnerships with charities that support a like mission or provide an opportunity for participants to grow their leadership skills
Section 3. Opportunity Partnerships
The Boston DSA shall endeavor to find opportunity partnerships where women will directly benefit from participation
Section 4. League Partnerships
The Boston DSA will actively seek League Partnerships to allow more women and girls to be Participants in Boston Dream partnership and programs (see Appendix E)
Section 5. Youth Organization Partnerships
The Boston DSA will actively seek beneficial relationship with Youth Organizations to foster leadership development for women and girls
Youth Organizations will provide a direct connection with young players to the Association.
By no means shall the Boston Dream Soccer Association take over a youth club program, or vice versa. All must exist as their own entities, fostering the growth of the game for women soccer players in Eastern New England.
Article 13. Amendments
Section 1. The By-Laws of Boston DSA may be amended at the Annual Meeting by a 2/3rds vote of the Full Membership
Section 2. The Appendices of the Boston DSA may be amended by a 2/3rds vote of the Executive Board.